At Marietta Smiles, we know that when it comes to replacing missing teeth, you need a top quality restorative dentistry solution that looks natural and provides sustainable function. We have a team of skilled dental professionals who offer excellence in dental implant restorations. Dental implants are considered the gold standard in tooth replacement. We can complete the entire process here in our Marietta office. Your convenience and comfort are always at the forefront as we care for your smile.
Dental implants involve small titanium screws that are surgically placed into the jawbone to act as your artificial tooth root. The implant is then allowed to heal and fuse to the jawbone, a process called osseointegration. As a final step, the dental implant is topped with a custom dental restoration. Marietta Smiles offers a wide variety of custom implant restorations, including crowns, dentures and bridges. We determine your restoration type based on your unique smile needs and personal preferences. You can trust that your new smile will look natural and feel comfortable.
Implant Repairs
Dental implants are highly regarded for their unmatched success rate. However, dental implant problems and failure can still occur. Marietta Smiles proudly handles all types of implant repairs, whether you are dissatisfied with how your implant looks or you are experiencing pain or discomfort at the implant site. Our dentists are highly trained to provide effective remedies for dental implants that are failing due to loss of surrounding bone, improper prosthetic loading or occlusal trauma (grinding or clenching). We want our patients to be confident in the function and durability of their implants, and we are prepared to address your concerns with personalized care and the most proven, minimally invasive techniques. We also value the importance of educating our implant patients on how to care for their prosthetic teeth and protect their smile investment in the future.
To learn more about our top of the line dental implant restorations or to schedule an implant repair, contact Marietta Smiles today. To prove our commitment to patient satisfaction, we offer flexible appointment times, easy financing plans and a variety of modern amenities to help you relax.